Daniel Lappin 415-846-8181 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 256 Shoreline Hwy Mill Valley, CA 94941 |
Office Map |
Directions to Mill Valley Office
30 Minutes North of San Francisco
10 minutes north of the Golden Gate Bridge Directions for 101 Southbound - from San Rafael 1) 101 south to Stinson Beach Exit. 2) At bottom of ramp traffic light, turn left on to Shoreline Hwy. 3) 1/16th mile later, drive through the traffic light at Tennessee Valley Road.
4) After 1/16th mile come to traffic light at 'Tam Junction'. You will see an ARCO gas station on your left.
The Marin Rug House is directly in front of you.
5) Turn left. 6) Immediately turn right in to the very first driveway. 7)See SUBWAY and K&K Nails. River of Light Massage is located on the second floor above K&K Nails. Follow sign to River of Light. Look for the Red Door. Directions for 101 Northbound – 1) From San Francisco travel north over the Golden Gate Bridge on Highway
101 north to Stinson Beach Exit. 2) Go through the first traffic light underneath the expressway onto Shoreline Hwy. 3) 1/16th mile later, drive through the traffic light at Tennessee Valley Road.
After 1/16th mile come to traffic light at 'Tam Junction'. You will see an ARCO gas station on your left.
The Marin Rug House is directly in front of you.4) Turn left. Immediately turn right in to the very first driveway. 5) See SUBWAY and K&K Nails. River of Light Massage is located on the second floor above K&K Nails. Follow sign to River of Light. Look for the Red Door. |
Office Hours
Monday to Friday, by appointment. · Occasional Saturday and Sunday Appointments. · Hours: Approximately 9am to 7 pm (7 pm Last start time) Traffic Notice
Weekend route to avoid traffic.
During the summer, holidays and sunny days there is heavy traffic going to the beach Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 1:30 pm.
If we do scheudle your appointment during this peak traffic time, please add an extra 20 minutes to get to my office.